Sessions for Students & Educators


1. The Remarkable Value of Christian Education

(Kaitlyn’s story-telling)

As a schoolteacher, I will forever be thankful for my Christian Education, as it has greatly affected my teaching and learning philosophy. For Canadian students, a Christian perspective of the world can be nurtured best in a vigorous learning environment that champions the innovation and courage the Gospel message offers. You don’t go to school to memorize facts – instead to be challenged to think, read and write about a world outside of your own experience, and by doing so grow in skill and character. Memorized facts fade from one’s memory, but effective critical thinking and communication are transferable skills of infinite value, applicable to all future endeavors students may take on. These abilities are unlocked through the message of the Gospel, so that together, we can change the world for Jesus!


2. The Curious, Connected Composer

(Kaitlyn’s story-telling)

A few years ago, I went on a mission trip to Haiti … When I first saw that young Haitian boy, before I began learning from him, I assumed that success was beyond his reach. I was wrong…. Will you pick up your feet, even when you feel weak – and will you pick up your pen even before anyone is reading your words, and will you acknowledge the deep significance of your weakest days and draw the courage to build and share your strengths. Will you accept a life of teaching and learning and find that the most successful life – no the most significant life – is curious, connected, and is a composer –Will you always choose to sign your story with hope for others to read? Because an 11 year old who had to leave school so she wouldn’t die, a grade ten rapper with something to say and an isolated, Haitian boy will be remembered for living lives of significance because they chose to compose. They chose to compose Hope in a world ready to be transformed by their song.


3. Practice Courage

(Kaitlyn’s story-telling)

On the first day of class, Ben wouldn’t open his book and he told me – “I am the kid that never passes anything so I don’t try … You should know that about me. I am just putting in my time, but I will fail. I always do.” Looking into Jonas’ defeated eyes – and knowing that feeling of defeat in my own life at times, I wanted to know: How do you actually experience courage and inspiration that leads to consistent fulfillment? Jonas needed more than a pep talk – and I recognized that sometimes, so do I. I think we all do. What is courage? “Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” I used to think that courage was something some people just had and others had less of when in fact– Courage is PRACTICED. Courage is a verb – it’s something we choose to do! We build it. “MENTAL OR MORAL STRENGTH” can be built – like a muscle… over time… with practice. For Ben … Inspirational words weren’t going to help him oust the sense of defeat. In my life – when I feel a sense of defeat – I need more than words too – so how do we take inspirational words about “following our hearts” and actually live lives of resiliency, and courage?