Sessions for Youth

Based on the STAND Successful Course created by Kaitlyn Cey


1. Inspired To Influence: Who Do You Think You Are?

Based on the STAND Successful Course created by Kaitlyn Cey
(One one-hour session, or five forty-five-minute sessions)

5 Key Principles to grow in your God-given identity:

STAND Secure in identity
STAND Together in healthy community
STAND Authentic with your words, thoughts and actions in alignment
STAND Named with purpose
STAND Different, live your unique life

In order to live this way, you need to have a secure identity – and it can’t be built on your own abilities, because you are going to make mistakes. If your confidence is in yourself, when the going gets tough, you won’t be able to stand firm. However, God has given you a new identity that empowers you to live the most incredible life, if you choose to walk in it. Ready to make some waves and grow in your God-given identity? Here we go!


2. Inspired To Influence: STAND Successful

Based on the STAND Successful Course created by Kaitlyn Cey
(One one-hour session, or five forty-five-minute sessions)

5 Key Principles to grow in your God-given identity:

STAND and Say Thanks
STAND and Take Ownership for your life
STAND and be Audacious
STAND Net-Casting
STAND with Desire to change your world

The Gospel is the story of Jesus’ life and death, but the reason the Gospel is so incredible is because it can make your life amazing today! People around you might say that you are most successful when you have money, status, fame or popularity – but the truth is, you are most successful when you have complete confidence in your identity. The Good News is that when Jesus died and rose again, he made the way for you to experience life with the unshakable confidence: Your value is sealed. You are a Son or Daughter of God. So, what difference does that make? Once you become free from the pressure to make yourself feel significant, secure or accepted, you can influence the world in the way you were created to, and experience success, for real.